Monday 10.29.12

2×5 Wall Squat
2×5 Goblet Squat
2×10 Squat
2×10 Split Jumps, R+L=1
Wrist stretch
Group: Clean Drills
1) 5×3  1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat, light to medium weight, use as primer for Cleans
2) 5×1 Squat Clean, Work up to a heavy single
No warm-up necessary. The 5×3 complex will be your warm-up.
20min time limit
400m Run
Push-press, 95#(65#)
Burpee-pull-ups (if you do assisted pull-ups, do 20 burpees then 20 pull-ups)
400m Run
20min Time Limit
You will start and end the workout with a 400m run. Choose a weight that you can handle for the push-press, you should be able to do all reps unbroken.
Skills 2
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