CrossFit Golden: Friday 11.6.15

Keaton is strong. His first set of 10 reps on Wednesday was at 340lbs, then he went up for the second set. No big deal!
Snatch + 3 Overhead Squat (Five sets of the complex)
Snatch must also be a full squat, focus on depth and form before adding weightRest 2 minutes between sets
Three rounds for time of:
15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
20 Alternating Front Racked Reverse Lunges (135/95 lbs)

Modifications for HSPU-
Kipping HSPU
4 Slow Negatives
4 Wall Climbs
15 Seated Dumbbell PressFront Racked Reverse Lunges are to be cleaned from the ground, done in place, and 10 steps each leg
Core Work!
Eight sets of:
20 seconds of Hollow Rocks or Holds
Rest 10 seconds