Has anyone else felt like this after the last few days of the 30-Day Ab Challenge? Only two days left, everyone. Keep it up, you’re almost there!
5 Sets
Snatch (1.1.1)
Rest 5-7 seconds between singles
Rest 2 minutes between sets
In teams of two, partners alternate to complete 5 sets each of:
Overhead Squat x 5 reps (Goblet squats for individual till working on OHS mobility)
Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg) x 10 reps
Double-Unders x 20 reps
Choose a weight that will challenge you, but that you should still be able to complete the 5 reps of OHS and 10 reps of KBS unbroken. Sub for DU’s is 60 singles.
30-Day Ab Challenge:
Day 29-
65 Crunches
45 V-Sits
54 Leg Raises
90 Second Plank Hold