Some of our CrossFit Kiddos!
Personal Training:
Every 2:30, for 12:30 minutes (5 sets) of:
Front Squat – 5 Reps
Every Minute on the minute, for 8 minutes:
15 Wallballs
Rest at least 20 seconds before the next set.
At Home WOD:
8AM Class (Mon-Fri): https://zoom.us/j/371461013 Meeting ID: 371 461 013
Password: 385206
4:30PM Class (Mon-Fri): https://zoom.us/j/188561156 Meeting ID: 188 561 156
Password: 920848
*INSTAGRAM LIVE* Posted after 8AM class everyday for 24 hour access. Arm Pharm Friday 10AM Instagram Live Saturday and Sunday classes at 9AM will only be on Instgram Live
Warm Up (1 minute Each)
1. Run In place
2. ½ Kneeling Groin Shifts
3. Speed Skaters
4. Quad + Leg Hug
5. Drop Squats
6. Ankle Circles
7. Over and Under the Fence
Stretching 3-4 Minutes on your own
– IT Band
– Glute Stretching
– Calf Stretch
– Hip Flexor
Against a 3-minute running clock…
400 Meter Run or 2 minutes of Heart Rate
Max Reps of Hang Power Cleans or Drop Squats
Rest 2 minutes and complete a total of Five (5) sets.