CrossFit Golden: Monday 6.29.15


This Tuesday marks the second week of the “Aquaman Race Series” at the Cherry Creek Reservoir. Tuesday night’s CFE class will be heldĀ at the race. Contact Coach Emily if you have any questions.


Avery was cheering on her mom last week, and she was probably one of the most attentive fans out there!


Back Squat (Take 20 minutes to build to a 2-RM Back Squat)
Aim to complete 2-3 heavy sets of 2 reps.
Rest 2-3 minutes between working sets.

Once Back Squat is completed, THEN…

Strict Pull-Up (Complete one set of Max Reps )
Note number of reps achieved, and if a band was used for assistance, note color of band used for this test. You will re-test in 8 weeks with the same equipment.


For max reps:
Three minutes of Rowing (for max calories)
Rest 60 seconds
Three minutes of Burpee Box Jump-Overs
Rest 60 seconds
Three minutes of Wall Ball Shots

Note reps achieved for each of the three elements.
For box jump-overs and wall ball shots, note height of the box and weight of the ball used for this test in the comments section.
You will re-test in 8 weeks with the same equipment.