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Personal Training:
Deck of Cards
Mountain Climbers (Double)
Medball Cleans
Plank Jacks
Plate Bent Over Row
Jokers x 2
Your Choice Core – 90 seconds
At Home WOD:
8AM Class (Mon-Fri): https://zoom.us/j/371461013 Meeting ID: 371 461 013
Password: 385206
4:30PM Class (Mon-Fri): https://zoom.us/j/188561156 Meeting ID: 188 561 156
Password: 920848
*INSTAGRAM LIVE* Posted after 8AM class everyday for 24 hour access. Arm Pharm Friday 10AM Instagram Live Saturday and Sunday classes at 9AM will only be on Instgram Live
Warm Up
1 minute: High Knees, Butt Kicks, Jumping jacks
1 minute: leg swings
Then 6 Min AMRAP:
8 Foot Planted Mountain Climbers
8 Duck Walks F/B
8 Air Squats
8 Plank Shoulder Taps
Deck of Cards
Mountain Climbers (Double)
Plank Jacks
Plate Bent Over Row or Plank Rows
Jokers x 2
Your Choice Core – 90 seconds