Partner Workout Sundays!!
No Yoga tomorrow! We will have ROM WOD going for a longer 40 minute stretch if you still want to come in!
In teams of two, with only one partner working at a time, complete the following for time:
1600 Meter Relay Run (alternating 400 meters)
immediately followed by…
20 rounds (partners alternating full rounds) of…
4 Strict Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups
8 Ring Dips
12 Push-Ups
16 Air Squats
immediately followed by…
1600 Meter Relay Run (alternating 400 meters)
1600 Meter Relay Run (alternating 400 meters)
immediately followed by…
20 rounds (partners alternating full rounds) of…
4 Strict Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups
8 Ring Dips
12 Push-Ups
16 Air Squats
immediately followed by…
1600 Meter Relay Run (alternating 400 meters)