CrossFit Golden: Thursday 4.12.18

Gymnastics Skills Practice – Come in and have some fun! Play on the high rings, get up on the ropes, learn a kipping pullup. Etc.!
Pick 2-3 movements you want to spend some time with, and try to get perfect quality repetitions to improve efficiency.
(Take 2-3 minutes at each movement then switch)
Strength Make up – Make up a missed strength day from earlier this week.
Can only be from this week’s strength – This is not open gym strength.
Prior days included:  Front squat, Turkish Get ups, Clean and Jerk.
Five rounds for max reps of:
60 seconds of Burpee Pull-Ups
60 seconds Ring Dips @ 1111
60 seconds Box Jump Overs
Rest 60 seconds

RX Box Jump Overs:
Think of these as max effort jumps each time, clearing the whole box is acceptable – your goal is not just to clear the object, but clear it with as much height as possible
Accessory Work
See Instagram for details. Please complete on your own after class ends.