Missing all the smiling faces at CFG, especially these too
5AM Class (M/W/F): https://zoom.us/j/228442118 Meeting ID: 228 442 118
Password: 493494
8AM Class (Mon-Fri): https://zoom.us/j/371461013 Meeting ID: 371 461 013
Password: 385206
9AM Class (Mon-Fri): https://zoom.us/j/923345223
Meeting ID: 923 345 223
Password: 623115
4:30PM Class (Mon-Fri): https://zoom.us/j/188561156 Meeting ID: 188 561 156
Password: 920848
YOGA – Sunday 5PM: https://zoom.us/j/96701207656 Meeting ID: 967 0120 7656
Password: 028166
*INSTAGRAM LIVE* Posted after 9AM class everyday for 24 hour access. Arm Pharm Friday 10AM Instagram Live Saturday and Sunday classes at 9AM will only be on Instgram Live
Workout Key: All workouts are written for unweighted/bodyweight (black text)
Red – Kettlebell
Green – Sandbag
Blue – Dumbbell
Purple – wallball/Slamball/Plate
1 Minute – Frog Stretch
1 Minute – Shoulder Stretch
1 Minute – Single Arm Plank Hold
Warm Up:
5 x 5 (5 rounds – 5 reps)
1. Straight Arm Pronation and Supination Twists
2. Throw Downs
3. Seal Swings
4. Mountain Climber Circles
5. YTW
6 Sets of:
Seated DB Arnold Press 21X0 6 Ea. Alternating
(If you only have a plate etc. It will be 12 total Reps pressing both arms at the same time)
(No Weight – Max Effort Inverted holds – can be inverted on couch or other object as well)
Plank Marches x 10 Ea. Alternating
Every 4 minutes, for 20 minutes (5 sets) for total load:
One Minute of Heart Rate
5 Plank push Ups (Down + Up =1)
Or 5 (kb/db/sb/wb/plate) Shoulder to Overhead
20 Cossack Squats (Optional Weighted)
10 Single Arm Plank Rows (Ea.)
Or 10 Weighted Single Arm Plank Rows or Bent over Rows
CFG Running
4- Mile Run for Time