Jeff Myers has been at CFG for over 8 years!
(CFG Running @ Bottom of Page)
Workout Key:
All workouts are written for unweighted/bodyweight (black text)
Red – Kettlebell
Green – Sandbag
Blue – Dumbbell
Purple – wallball
4 Minutes of Hip and Hammy Flow
Warm up:
3 Rounds
45 second jumping jacks
20 hamstring sweeps
5 Lunge Matrix – Ea. Leg
10 Bird Dogs (5 ea.)
10 Dead Bugs (5 Ea.)
Four sets of:
Split Stance Romanian Deadlift x 6 reps @ 30X1 (Each Leg)
(OR Unloaded/no weight: Max Effort Hamstring Marching)
Rest 20 seconds
Reverse Lunge + Knee Drive x 10 reps (5 Ea.)
Rest 2 minutes
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double-Unders or 30 Penguin Taps
20 Supermans
OR 20 Kettlebell Deadlifts
OR 20 Sandbag Deadlifts
OR 20 DB Deadlifts
OR 20 Wallball Deadlifts
10 Burpees
CFG Running:
4- Mile Run for Time