Is this 6ft apart?
(New CFG Running INFO @ Bottom of Page)
1 Minute Floor Slides
1 Minute Shoulder Stretch
1 Minute Tricep Stretch
Warm Up
1 minute – Quick Feet – every 10 seconds do a burpee
1 minute – Bear Crawls
1 minute – Arm Circles
1 minute – Cuban Press
1 minute – Quick Feet – every 10 seconds do a burpee
1 minute – Table Top stretch
1 minute – Standing Single Arm Shoulder Swimmer
1 Minute – Push Up + Pike Push Up
“Strict JT”
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups (or Seated Strict Press/Pike Push Ups)
Strict Box Dips
Strict Push-Ups
Three sets of:
10 Reps of Reverse Snow Angels
20 Sec Rest
10 Reps of Shoulder Pendulums (5 each direction – 10 each arm)
20 Sec Rest
10 Sec Prone Y Raise
20 Sec Rest
We have a 10 week beginners 1/2 marathon program in Wodify where you can track your runs and add some accountability! The running program is being utilized by members training for a Ragnar Relay that still might happen in Sweden in June.
There will be 4 runs per week that will be on the website and in Wodify on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. If you have no interest in doing a Ragnar Relay or 1/2 Marathon just skip Sundays long run.
Log your results and compare your runs in Wodify under the CFG RUNNING Program.

Today’s CFG Run: 3 miles for time