Lukey with best/cutest costume we have ever had on halloween!
Workout Key:
All workouts are written for unweighted/bodyweight (black text)
Red – Kettlebell
Green – Sandbag
Blue – Dumbbell
Purple – wallball
1 Minute Pigeon Stretch
1 Minute Quad Stretch + Leg Hug
1 Minute Mountain Climber Thoracic Twists
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5 Drop Squats
10 Straight arm pronation/supination
15 Plank Pulls
20 Quadruped Kickbacks
Five Sets or for time:
200m Run
10 Prisoner Kneeling to Squats
5 Kettlebell Hang Power Clean + Front Squat – Ea. Arm
10 Sandbag Hang Squat Cleans
10 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans
10 Wallball Squat Cleans
25 Sit-Ups
Or 10 Pull-Ups
Or 20 Bent Over Rows
10-15 Minutes of Mobility