Friday 6.7.13


Coaches Coice, 5min time limit
1a) Bench Press 5×3 @70%
1b) Dead Lift 5×3 @70%
Warm-up with 2-3 sets of 2-3 reps. Work in groups for weight will be scarce and spotters a must on the bench press.
Movements will be in a “super set”, meaning bench press right into dead lift. Hence the 1a and 1b.
Ideally you should be hitting a set every 90-120sec.
AMRAP 10min
5 Over Head Squats, 115#(75#)
10 Pull-ups
15 Wall Balls
Due to the equipment constraints and pull-up bar space needed, we will be running 2 heats for the workout (if necessary).


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