Saturday 9.15.12


Teams of 2-3 complete the following
800m Run
6 Rounds
100′ Bear Crawl/Ball Slam
800m Run
6 Rounds
100′ Crab Walk/Pull-up
800m Run
Warm-up: Warm-up will be on your own and before class starts. I want to give everyone a fair shot at finishing this so we are going to start the workout at 10 after. If you need to stretch-out please show up early to do so.
Run: Both exercisers will do the run together. Both exercisers must complete the run before starting on the 6 rounds.
Bear Crawl/Ball Slam: Exerciser 1(E1) will go 100′ on the bear crawl, while exerciser 2 (E2) will do as many reps as possible on the ball slams. Once E1 completes the bear crawl exercisers will switch, and so on till all 6 rounds are complete.
Crab Walk/Pull-up: Exerciser 1(E1) will go 100′ on the crab walk, while exerciser 2 (E2) will do as many reps as possible on pull-ups. Once E1 completes the crab walk exercisers will switch, and so on till all 6 rounds are complete. 
Get it? Got it? Good!
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