Thursday 9.19.13

Sing-up for “Fight Gone Bad” is closed.
Based on the number of willing participants, we will be hosting the event at CrossFit Golden. We will be posting the heat times on Friday at 10am
There will not be Bootcamp or Weightlifting that day.
Coaches Choice, 10min
Strength (De-load):
1) Dead Lift 3×5 @ 40%-50%
Warm-up with 1×5 first
2) Weighted Lunge 3×5 (R+L=1)
No warm-up needed
Kettle Bell Swings or Ball Slams
Goblet Squats
Workout looks like: 5 KBS + 5 Goblet Squats, 10/10 and so on….
Cool Down (if time and on your own):
100 Crunches
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