Conditioning: Teams of 2 complete the following 1) Run 1000m-800m-600m-400m-200m 2) Row 1000m-750m-500m-250m-150m or Airdyne for calories 100-80-60-40-20 (Lakewood Only) Notes: With a continuously running clock, E1 will run 1000m then E2 will run 1000m (E1 is resting) and so on till all the running and rowing is complete. If solo, 1:1 work/rest ratio. ...Read More
Warm-up: 2×5 Wall Squat 2×10 Squat 2×10 Burpee Strength: 1) 5×3 Zercher Squat, go up from last week 2) 3×10 Jumping Good Mornings, go up from last week Conditioning: Kettle Bell Mountain: Kettle Bell Swing + Goblet Squat 5-10-15-20-15-10-5 Do 5 KB Swings then 5 Goblet squats, 10/10, 15/15 and so on. Cool Down (if...Read More
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