Warm-up WOD:
3 Rounds
50 Single-unders
15 PVC Pass Through
10 PVC Front Squats
5 PVC Squat Clean and Jerk, 2 count hold at top of triple extension
wrist stretch/mt. climber stretch after warm-up wod
AMRAP 12min
5 Front Squats, see chart
25 Double-unders or tuck jumps
Warm-up with 3×3 increasing each set to your working weight
Max Front Squat | Working Weight | |
>315 | 205 | |
300-285 | 185 | |
280-255 | 165 | |
250-235 | 155 | |
230-205 | 135 | |
200-175 | 115 | |
170-145 | 95 | |
140-115 | 75 | |
110-100 | 65 | |
95-85 | 55 | |
80-65 | 45 | |
<60 | 35 |
Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 at 85% of your 1RM or add 5 pounds to prior weight done on 4.2.12
These will be squat cleans, not power cleans. Warm up with 3×3 increasing each set to your working weight.
Ab-mat sit-up 3×50