A meeting of the minds…. scary, I know! The boys are planning where our new-and-improved Pull-Up Rig will go in the back of the gym.
So many improvements being made to our already awesome space!
4 Rounds through Strength training
Push Press (4 sets of 3-4 reps)
Plank Hold (Hold on elbows for 60-90 seconds)
Default will be on the elbows
Push Press, 3-4 reps
Rest 1:00
Plank Hold
Rest 2:00
Rest 1:00
Plank Hold
Rest 2:00
Two sets for time of:
500m Row
Wall Balls, 30 reps
Toes to Bar, 20 reps
Rest 5:00 between rounds.
These are ALL OUT SPRINTS, treat them as such.
Sub for Toes to Bar are either Knees to Elbows, or Hanging Knee Raises