Always have a spotter, even it its a dog lol
Workout Key:
All workouts are written for unweighted/bodyweight (black text)
Red – Kettlebell
Green – Sandbag
Blue – Dumbbell
Purple – wallball
1 minute: Pigeon stretch
1 minute: Puppy Dog
1 minute: Face Down Arm under Scorpion Stretch
Warm up
1 Round:
10 Glute Bridge Marches
10 Hamstring walkouts
5 YTWs
Immediately into – 1 Round:
20 High Knees
5 Kang Squats
10 Tuck Jumps
5 Bootstrappers
10 Single Leg Jumps
10 Air Squats
In teams of two, complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of:
“Dissecting Home Kelly”
200 Meter Run
10 Box Jumps
OR 20 Front to Back Line Jumps
10 Full Squat Jumps
OR 10 KB Single Arm Thrusters – 5 Ea.
OR 10 Sandbag Thrusters
OR 10 DB Thrusters
OR 10 Wall Ball Shots
Team members will alternate full rounds, with only one member working at any one time. Thus, Partner A will run 400 meters, perform Box Jumps, and Wall Ball Shots, while partner B is resting. Once Partner A has completed all 3 movements, Partner B will start their round.
CFG Running:
6-Mile Run for Time