CrossFit Golden: Friday 10.30.20

Halloween Saturday 10.31.20

Happy Halloween!

We will be doing “Fight Gone Wrong” during Bootcamp classes today.  Dust off your favorite Halloween costume (optional, but encouraged) and get it workout-ready. Prizes will be awarded for the best costumes! Coaches will even hold your Dino’s Tail if needed!


Every 90 seconds, for 3 sets of each, complete the below:

Minute 1 – Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats x 5 Reps @31X1

Minute 2 – Prone Plank x 40-60 seconds

Minute 3 – Hollow Rocks or Hold x 40-60 seconds


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:

24 Slamballs (30/20 lbs)

12 Toes to Bar

6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

Zoom Link for On Demand Class:

8AM Class (Mon-Fri):

Meeting ID: 371 461 013

Password: 385206


Posted after our live feeds everyday on our IGTV for lifetime access. 

M-F 8am LIVE