“Wallballs should remain in quarantine, even when this is all over” – Greg and short people everywhere
5AM Class (M/W/F): https://zoom.us/j/228442118 Meeting ID: 228 442 118
Password: 493494
8AM Class (Mon-Fri): https://zoom.us/j/371461013 Meeting ID: 371 461 013
Password: 385206
9AM Class (Mon-Fri): https://zoom.us/j/923345223
Meeting ID: 923 345 223
Password: 623115
4:30PM Class (Mon-Fri): https://zoom.us/j/188561156 Meeting ID: 188 561 156
Password: 920848
YOGA – Sunday 5PM: https://zoom.us/j/96701207656 Meeting ID: 967 0120 7656
Password: 028166
*INSTAGRAM LIVE* Posted after 9AM class everyday for 24 hour access. Arm Pharm Friday 10AM Instagram Live Saturday and Sunday classes at 9AM will only be on Instgram Live
Workout Key: All workouts are written for unweighted/bodyweight (black text)
Red – Kettlebell
Green – Sandbag
Blue – Dumbbell
Purple – wallball/Slamball/Plate
4 Minutes of Hip and Hammy Flow
Warm Up:
1 minute Each – 1 Time Through:
Run in place
Jane Fonda’s
Butt Kicks
Bear Crawls
Drive + High Knee
Dead Bugs
Three sets of:
Clamshell Plank x 6 reps each leg @ 10X4
Rest 60 seconds
Hip Thrusts/Glute Bridges x 6-8 reps @ 20X1
Rest 60 seconds
Superman x 30 second Hold
Six rounds for time of:
30 Hamstring Marches
Or 15 Deadlifts (loaded with kb/db/sb/wb/plate)
30 Jumping Jacks
Or 50 Double Unders/Penguin Taps
CFG Running
4- Mile Run for Time