CrossFit Golden: Friday 7.3.15

The gym will be CLOSED on Saturday, July 4th, so we can all go out and celebrate America!

There will be a regular class schedule on Friday, and Sunday will be 9am & 10am only moving forward.


Welcome to CFG, Nichole!!


Three sets
Bench Press (6-8 reps @ 20X1)
Rest 60 seconds
Pull-ups (Max Reps)
Pull-Ups x Max Reps
Pull-Ups x 3-5 reps @ 51X1

Rest 60 seconds


For time:
50/30 Push-Ups
300 Meter Run
30 Heavy Kettlebell Swings
300 Meter Run
50/30 Push-Ups
300 Meter Run
30 Heavy Kettlebell Swings
300 Meter Run

There is no “Rx” weight for this workout. Swings do not have to be unbroken.

Please be mindful and do not “snake” push-ups. There are a lot of reps, break them into small and manageable sets!