CrossFit Golden: Friday 9.12.14


And here is Wendy from earlier in the week… starting off strong with her Bench Press… she’s lowering the weight under control… ANNNND her leg just lost it’s mind.

Such a funny pic that Coach Ryan snagged!


Four sets today

Rest 60 seconds between movements and rounds
Bulgarian Split Squat (6-8 reps each leg @ 30X1)
Ring Push-Ups (Max effort)


Four sets for max reps of:
45 seconds of DB Burpees (40/20 lbs.)
(hands remain at sides during jump)
15 seconds of Rest
45 seconds of Sit-Ups
15 seconds of Rest


Pull-Up Challenge

Day #26

Friday 9/12/14

Set of Max Effort Pull Ups (This is a test, if its still zero that is ok)

45 Negative Pull Ups