CrossFit Golden: Monday 2.23.15


Heather and Doug rocking some awesome “His and Hers” shirts 🙂


CrossFit Golden,

The CrossFit Open begins this week! This is a worldwide competition that lasts for 5 weeks. Each week, a new workout is released, and we will be completing it on Fridays at CFG! (Athletes who are interested in signing up for the Open can click HERE and register officially. There is an “Open” and a “Scaled” division, which means that it’s open for all ability levels.)

If an athlete is unable to complete the workout on Fridays, we will have three hours blocked out on Sundays from 8-11am for them to complete the workout.

Our goal is to make the next 5 weeks as fun as possible for the gym. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to ask one of your coaches.


Four rounds

Bulgarian Split Squat (6-8 reps each leg @ 30X0)
Rest 60 seconds
Single-Arm Trap 3 Raises (10-12 reps each arm @ 2111)
Neutral spine on bench like lawnmower, arm out to 45 degree angle, thumb to the sky.

Rest 60 seconds


Team Version:
In teams of three, complete three rounds each, congo-line style, of:
Row 500 Meters
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)

Partner A rows 500 Meters, as soon as erg is available, Partner B jumps on while Partner A moves on to Wall Ball. Team rotates through as quickly as possible, with only one team member rowing or doing wall ball shots at a time.