CF Kids- 4:30pm
Mobility- 5:00-7:00pm
CF Endurance- Remember, this is the FINAL week where the CF Endurance Tuesday training will be held at the Cherry Creek Reservoir for the Aquaman Race Series!
Cathy comes back from her 3-week vacation in Greece, and brings her lockout back with her! Welcome back!
Pull-Up Modification Progression:
– Weighted Pull-Up
– Strict Pull-Up
– Kipping
– Banded Pull-Up
– Negative
– Ring Row
– Ring Row Negative
Weighted Pull-ups (2-3 reps @ 21X0)
Rest 15-20 seconds
Strict Pull-Up (Max Reps @ 20X0)
Aim for 3-5 minimum. Bands can be used, but no kipping, please.
Rest 15-20 seconds
L-Sit (30-45 seconds (accumulated))
Use rings, KBs, or boxes to support body. If legs can’t start straight, simply switch to Hanging Knee Raise!
Rest 2 minutes
In teams of two, complete four rounds for time of:
12 Dumbbell Renegade Rows (40/20#)
400 Meter Run
For the Renegade Row, start in plank position with hands on dumbbells. Keeping back and core tight, row one side, then row the other side.
L + R = 1
Partition the reps however you see fit, and stay with your partner on the run.
(Both athletes run all 4 laps together)