CrossFit Golden: Tuesday 8.26.14



Some of our athletes doing their Toes-To-Bar!


Four sets today
Front Squat (4-6 reps @ 30X1)
Rest 20 seconds
Tall Box Jumps (5 Jumps)
Rest 3-5 seconds between each jump, and step down after each jump

Rest 2 minutes between rounds


Five sets for max calories/reps of:

30 seconds of Rowing (for max calories)
30 seconds of Rest
60 seconds of Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
Rest 2 minutes
Combine total calories rowed + reps of KB swings for one grand total.

Try to keep moving through most of the KB Swings. No more than 2 breaks per minute, ideally.


Barbell Club

Programming for Tuesday August 26th
Front Squat:
85% x2 x6 sets
Snatch + Hi-Hang (mid-thigh) + Below Knee Hang:
Find heavy single of full complex in 4-5 working sets

Then, 2 de-load sets of full complex at 85% of heavy single

Power Clean + 3 Push Press:
Weight by feel
At least 4-6 working sets

Focus on good footwork for the power clean + transition/re-grip for jerk


Pull-Up Challenge

Tuesday 8/26/14

Set of Max effort Push ups

2 Sets of 50% of that Max Effort