Who loves Burpees??
Every 2 minutes, for 30 minutes (3 sets of each):
Station 1 – 30 Front-Racked Dumbbell Lunges (50/35 lbs)
Station 2 – 30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lbs)
Station 3 – 30 Burpees
Station 4 – 40-60 Seconds of Side Plank (each side)
Station 5 – Rest
Please adjust the repetitions to provide a sufficient challenge to your current ability level. If you find yourself finishing stations with less than 20 seconds to rest, please reduce your repetitions; if you find yourself with more than 50 seconds of rest, please increase the number of repetitions.
Zoom Link for On Demand Class:
8AM Class (Mon-Fri):
Meeting ID: 371 461 013
Password: 385206
Posted after our live feeds everyday on our IGTV for lifetime access.
M-F 8am LIVE