Jess brought her own chalk bag!
Personal Training:
Every 2:30 Minutes, for 12:30 minutes, (5 sets) of:
Deadlift – 8 reps
Every 4 minutes, for 12 minutes (3 sets) for times:
400m Run
20 Alternating Front Rack Reverse lunges (95/65#)
On Demand:
8AM Class (Mon-Fri): https://zoom.us/j/371461013 Meeting ID: 371 461 013
Password: 385206
*INSTAGRAM LIVE* Posted after 8AM class everyday for 24 hour access. Arm Pharm Friday 10AM Instagram Live Saturday and Sunday classes at 9AM will only be on Instgram Live
Warm Up
Hip and Hamstring Flow
2 Rounds:
15 Deadlift Jumps
10 Birddogs – 5 ea.
10 Supermans
5 Lunge + Quad Stretch
10 Kang Squats
Four rounds for time of:
300m Run
20 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts or Supermans
20 Front Rack or Farmers loaded Alternating Reverse lunges or Jumping Lunges
Rest 1 minute between Rounds