CrossFit Workouts

Warm-up: Power Snatch/Split Snatch tecnique WOD: 3 Rounds for time of: 8 Split Power Snatch, 115#(75#) 7 Muscle-ups (21 pull-ups) 400m Run Strength: Push-press 10-10-10-10+ Do 2 warm-up sets of 3 reps, then do the remainder at 40%-60% hitting 10+ on the last set.
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WOD: 5 Rounds 10 Kettle Bell Swings (or 5 KB Snatch each arm, must be Rx’d) 24kg/16kg 10 Dead Lifts, 185#/125# 10 Toes 2 Bar (x1.5 for the modification) Strength: Australian Pull-ups (not weighted) 10-10-10-10-10 or Ring Rows 15-15-15-15-15
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WOD: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 OHS, 95#(65#) Burpee Box Jump, 24″(20″) Strength: Back Squat 10-10-10-10+ Do 2 warm-up sets of 3 and the remainder at 40%-60%. Full depth, ass 2 grass. Skills 2 at CrossFit Golden
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Warm-up: Coaches Choice Strength (yes, strength first): 15min to build up to a heavy Power Clean and Push-Jerk (not a 1RM or PR) Use the following rep scheme. 3-3-3 (warm-up) 1-1-1… and so on till you have established your heavy C&J WOD: 3 Rounds 10 Power Clean and Push Jerk, 135#(95#) 15 Pull-ups (10 Chest 2 Bar Pull-ups, must be Rx’d) 400m Run
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Reminder: Skills 2 at Golden 11:30am till 1:30pm(ish). Please be on time and come prepared to learn some new stuff and have fun! (there are still a couple of spots left, if you want to partake email me asap) WOD: Teams of 2 (if there is a team of 3 add 10 reps to each movement) AMRAP 20min 20 Dead Lifts, 185#(125#) 30 Burpees 40 Stick Jumps (over and back =1rep)
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