Tuesday 8.27.13


Indoor Run
100ft Broad Jumps
5 Wall-climb
First Rib Smash
1) Push-press, 4×8 @ 60%-65%
Warm-up with 2×4 first
2) Bent Over Rows, 3×10
Warm-up with 1×10 first
3) Sumo DL High Pull Warm-up 3×3
AMRAP 12min
3 Wall Climbs
9 Sumo DL High Pulls, Bar Bell or Kettle Bell, 35#-95#
18 Jumping Step-ups, 20″ or less, R+L=1
We will be posting pictures of the “DDTD” the rest of the week. If you would like to see more they are on the CFLW Facebook page.
Special shout-out to Tony for taking some bad-ass pics during breaks his from competing.
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