Wednesday 1.30.13

Indoor Run
100ft Lunge w/stretching
2×10 Hand Release Push-up, 2 count at top
Banded Chest Stretch
Posterior Chain Floss
1) Bench Press, 3-3-3-3-3 then one set of 8+
2) Deficit Dead Lifts, 3-3-3-3-3 then one set of 12+
20-25min time limit
Increase weight as you go up, work up to a heavy 3 rep. The 3+ will be done at 70%, aka drop set. The goal for Deficit Dead Lift being 12 or more, Bench Press 8 or more.
20min to work on-
Handstand Push-ups
If you have HSPU’s do:
As many ladders as possible in 20min of
1-6 Deck Squat
1-6 HSPU
Example: 1 Deck Squat/1HSPU, then 2/2, 3/3, all the way up to 6 then start over at 1/1.
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