Wednesday 12.26.12

2:00min Jump Rope Singles or Doubles
50ft Lunge w/stretches
2×10 Kettle Bell Dead Lift
Banded Hamstring stretch 3x20sec holds each leg
15min to work up to a heavy 3 rep dead lift. Using the rep sequence:
5 Rounds
7 Dead Lifts, 275#(185#)
30 Squats
7 Hand Stand Push-ups
You should have a good idea of what you can handle on the dead lift following the strength training today. If you are unsure of the weight to use, work in the 75%-80% range.
Due to the weight constraints of this workout you may need to team up with a partner and use one bar for the deads. If this is the case one person will start on the deads the other on the squats.
Hand stand push-up modification will be:
7 Wall climbs w/should tap or 
10 HSPU if you use 1 or 2 mats (2 mat limit) or 
14 Hand release push-ups
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