Friday 3.8.13

Indoor Run
Banded hamstring stretch
Banded or pole chest stretch
Dead Lift 5×3 @ 70%
Warm-up as needed (3×3)
5 Rounds For Max Reps (meaning not for time)
Bench Press, Body Weight (Men), 75% Body Weight (Women)
Body Weight and 75% BW is just a recommendation, ideally you should choose a weight you can get 10+ times each round.
This is not a timed workout, you will score it based on the total reps of bench press and total reps of pull-ups. So it will look something like this: 21/15, 18/11, 17/10, 16/10, 15/10 Total=87/56
Rest as needed between rounds and movements.
You must have a spotter each time you are on the bench.
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