Throughout the afternoon, different specialists will offer seminars on health topics. Seminars will include:
- Nutrition lecture led by Jessica Walker on different nutrition lifestyles: Paleo, plant based, Keto and flexible dieting (aka macros), and which one is righ for you based on your goals.
- Injury Prevention Seminars By Justin Dudley of Cascade Physical Therapy & CrossOver Symmetry.
- Activated Hemp and how it promotes healthy recovery by Arcanum Edge
Every 7 minutes, for 35 minutes (5 sets) for times of:
250 Meter Row
50 Double-Unders
50 Air Squats
20/15 Hand Release Push-Ups
Please note times for each of your 5 sets, paying particular attention to your ability to maintain a pace, in which round pace dropped off, and on which movements you lost the most time over the course of the sets.