CrossFit Golden: Friday 7.10.15


Welcome to CFG, Lindsay and Morgan!


Clean and Jerk (Take 15 minutes and build to heavy Clean and Jerk)
Preferred lifts are Squat Clean and Split Jerk

Feel free to go heavy today, but please make proper form the primary focus!


Complete as many sets of the interval until you complete 30 reps of:

60 seconds of 135/95 lbs Ground to Overhead (Clean and some varient of Shoulder to Overhead)

60 seconds rest

The weight selected for this workout should be “medium” based on the athlete’s confidence with the Clean and Jerk.

Time tracked should be total time spent WORKING.

Example: if athlete finishes 30th rep, 45 seconds into the THIRD round, their time will be “2:45”. Rest time should not included.