CrossFit Golden: Monday 12.15.14


Father and daughter team Troy and Noelle doing some synchronized Wall Climbs last week!



5 rounds today
Squat Clean & Thruster + 2 Thrusters (3 reps per attempts)
Build up to the heaviest clean + thrusters possible over the course of the five sets – e.g., 135, 145, 155, 165, 175 lbs

Rest 20 seconds
Strict Pull-Up (4-6 reps)
The goal today is for strict Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups

Rest 2 minutes between rounds


For time:
Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg) x 5 reps
Box Jumps (24/20″) x 5 reps
Kettlebell Swings x 10 reps
Box Jumps x 10 reps
Kettlebell Swings x 15 reps
Box Jumps x 15 reps
Kettlebell Swings x 20 reps
Box Jumps x 20 reps
Kettlebell Swings x 25 reps
Box Jumps x 25 reps
Kettlebell Swings x 30 reps
Box Jumps x 30 reps

A great goal for today would be to get all KB Swings unbroken, even at the end when tired!