CrossFit Golden: Sunday 1.30.22

“Baddest/Daddest Man on the Planet!”- Greg


Wodapalooza- Celebrate 10 

5 Rounds of:


5 Overhead Squats (205, 125lb)

Right into,

5 Rounds of:

5 Ring Muscle Ups

15 Overhead Squats (115, 80lb)


30 Clean & Jerks (135/95)

1 Mile Run

10 Rope Climbs

1 Mile Run

100 Burpees

Three sets for max reps of: 

60 seconds of Wallballs  

Rest 30 seconds 

60 seconds of Toes to Bar  

Rest 30 seconds 

60 seconds of Hand Release Push Ups  

Rest 30 seconds 

60 seconds of Box Jump Overs  

Rest 30 seconds  

60 seconds of V-Ups 

Rest 30 seconds  

60 seconds of Wall Climbs  

Rest 30 seconds