CrossFit Golden: Thursday 1.30.14


Friends, we’re a few weeks into our OPENutrition Challenge.

HOW ARE WE DOING?! Let’s get the conversation going on our Facebook page.

Almost 1/4 of the gym is participating. I want you all to see the huge support network you have working with you.

One success story…. member Stanley (aka Tan Lee) just weighed in at under 200lbs for the first time in a year and a half. To celebrate, he also got his first-ever Bar Muscle-Up on Tuesday! CONGRATS!!



Bench Press- 4 total sets
Set 1- 3 reps
Set 2- 2 reps
Set 3- 1 rep
Set 4- 1 rep


AS ALWAYS with Bench Press, please use a spotter when lifting anything more than the empty bar. No exceptions.
Try to increase weight each set.


Three rounds for max reps:


60 seconds- Goblet Squats (24/16kg)
60 seconds- Sit-Ups
60 seconds- Hand-Release Push-Ups
60 seconds- Rowing (for calories)
60 seconds- Rest


If equipment doesn’t allow for all athletes to start on Goblet Squats, feel free to start on the second movement first, remembering to keep the “Rest” round as the 5th station each round.