Front Squats!
Every 2:30, for 15 minutes (6 sets) of:
Front Squat x 1.1
(rest 5-10 seconds between singles)
Use at least 5% more than used for your heaviest loads last week.
For time:
30 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35 lb DBs)
30 Alternating Reverse Lunges with DB Farmer’s Carry
20 Dumbbell Thrusters
20 Alternating Reverse Lunges with DB Farmer’s Carry
10 Dumbbell Thrusters
10 Alternating Reverse Lunges with DB Farmer’s Carry
Zoom Link for On Demand Class:
8AM Class (Mon-Fri):
Meeting ID: 371 461 013
Password: 385206
Posted after our live feeds everyday on our IGTV for lifetime access.
M-F 8am LIVE