WOD: 2 Rounds “Tabata” interval of: Pull-up Hand Release Push-up Sit-up Tabata = 8 sets of 20sec of work 10sec of rest. You will do all 8 sets on one movement before moving to the next. Score will be total reps completed. Skill: Hand Stand Push-up Choose one of the following: ()=if we have time/energy left Rx’d 10-10-10-(10) One/Two Mats 15-15-15-(15) Wall Climb/Shoulder tap mod 10-10-10-(10)Read more
WOD: AMRAP 12min 10 Dead Lifts, 185#(125#) 10 Ball Slams, 50#(40#) 10 Lunges w/Slam Ball, (5 Each Leg), 50#(40#) Strength: Hang Power Clean 3 Reps on the minute for 12min working at 75% or add 5# to last time done, 6.26.12Read more
WOD: 5 Rounds 10 KB Thrusters, 24kg/16kg (5 each arm) 5 Inverted Burpees 30 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps Strength: Front Squat 10-10-10-10+ Do 2 sets of 3 reps for warm-up. Then remainder at 40%-60% with 10+ on last set.Read more
TEAM WOD: Teams of 2-3 complete the following: 1000m Run w/med ball, 20#(14#) 1000ft Bear Crawl 1000ft Broad Jump 1000ft Slam Ball Toss, 50#(40#) 1000m Run w/med ball, 20#(14#)Read more
WOD: DECK O’ CARDS (yes!) Movements: Hand Release Push-up Sit-up High Pull, 75#(55#) Jumping Lunge, right + left = 1 Joker = 30 Burpees (3min time limit)Read more