CrossFit Workouts

Team WOD: Teams of 2-3 complete the following for time 4 Rounds 15 rep of the “Bear Complex” 95/65 200m Farmer Carry 30 Slam Balls, 50/40 Bear Complex
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Skills 1 Grads: Rob, Mary, Bryant, Kevin and Travis Congrats guys/gal and welcome to the community! WOD: “Cardio and Core” 2 Rounds Tabata Row Ab-mat Sit-ups Shuttle Run (25′ Forward/25′ Backward) Plank Tabata= 8 sets of :20sec on/:10sec off then rotate. There will not be a score associated with this WOD. Plank and Plank modified. Yes, Plank on the elbows is harder.
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Skill: KB Thruster WOD: 21-15-9 KB Thruster Right Arm, 24kg/16kg KB Thruster Left Arm, 24kg/16kg Dead Lift, 225#(155#) Strength: Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 @75% Warm-up with 2×3 then 7×1 at 75% or add 5# to last time done on 5.15.12 KB Thruster: 1. Start standing tall, with kettle bell rested on forearm in the “rack” position. 2. Execute a full squat, hip crease below parallel. keeping KB on forearm. 3. Drive from the bottom locking out KB at top
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Warm-up: Coaches Choice WOD: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Ground 2 Overhead, 95#/65# Burpee over bar Ground 2 Overhead can be a wide variety of things the two most efficient methods will be power clean to push-jerk or power snatch. You can mix the two just as long as the bar starts on the ground and finishes overhead. Burpees over the bar are just that, do a burpee, jump over the bar and clap  at the apex of the jump. Burpee can be bar facing or lateral. Skills: Turkish get-ups You will have 10min to practice TGU’s. If you have not done them of are not proficient at them you will start with PVC, we will do about 30 of them (total). If you have them down you will accumulate 30 of them (total) with weight, either kettle bell or bar bell. Ring Dips You will have 10min to practice Dips. If you have not...
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Warm-up: Coaches Choice WOD: 7 Rounds 15 Kettle Bell Swings, 24kg/16kg 100ft o’ Walking Lunges 150m Run Strength: Hang Power Clean 3 reps on the minute for 10min at 75% or add 5# to last time done, 5.29.12 DO NOT MAX OUT OR WORK OVER THE RECOMMENDED PERCENTAGE.
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