CrossFit Workouts

Warm-up: 500m Row 20 Squats 15 Drop Squats (from top of triple extension) 10 Jump Squat Pre-Game: Hip/Wrist Mobility 2×3 Hang Squat Clean, building up to working weight WOD: 21-15-9 Hang Squat Clean, 95#/65# Hand Stand Push-ups Modification for HSPU will be partial wall climb into right+left shoulder tap. If you are using 1-2 mats for your HSPU multiply by 1.5 so 31-22-14 HSPU’s (Hang Squat Clean stays the same number of reps). Strength: Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3+ Use the first 2 sets as warm-up, remainder at 75%-85%
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Warm-up: Coaches choice WOD: 10 Rounds 15 Push-ups 100 yard sprint 60 sec rest Chest to ground push-ups, no hand release unless you are not achieving full ROM. 100 yard sprint will be 50 yards down, 50 yards back. When you reach your push-up area 60 second rest starts. Everyone does 60 seconds. Not 50, not 45 but 60 full seconds. Strength: Dead Lift 3-3-3-3-3-3-3+ Use the first two sets of 3 as a warm-up. Do the remaining 5 at 75%-85%. Do as many reps as possible on the last set of 3. Post your summer adventures to the Lakewood or Golden Facebook page (with a brief description) and we will feature it on the blog. Summer adventure: The summit of Mt. Bierstadt (14,060′). With Ben, Andrea, Chrissy and Orion.
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Reminder: 9am class only today. WOD: Teams of 2-3 complete the following: 1600m Run 200 Wall Balls, 20#(14#) 150 Box Jumps, 24″(20″) 100 Burpees 500ft Walking Lunge, wt. overhead, 45#(25#) Only one person can be working at a time. All reps/distances have to be done before moving on to the next movement. The run will be done 200m at a time the lunges will be done 100ft at a time.
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No 8am class today.   “Cindy” Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats   OR   “Mary” Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of: 5 Handstand Push-ups 10 One legged squats, alternating 15 Pull-ups
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Warm-up/Skill: Squat Snatch WOD: 4 Rounds 10 Jerks (Push, Power or Split), 135#(95#) 200m Run 40 Sit-ups Strength: Squat Snatch 2 Reps on the min for 10min @ 65% of 1RM If you are new to the movement do a Squat Snatch from above the knees or Power Snatch to OHS.
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