CrossFit Workouts

WOD: 2 Rounds Tabata interval: Row Double Under or Tuck Jump 50ft Shuttle Run (25ft forward, 25ft backward) Tabata interval is 20sec of work followed by 10sec rest done for 8 sets. Essentially you will do 2 Rounds of Rowing for 4min, Double Under for 4min and shuttle run for 4min following the Tabata guidelines. This workout will not be scored. “You’re doing it to do it”
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WOD: AMRAP 20min 10 Push-press, 115#(75#) 20 Box Jumps 200m Run Strength: Power Snatch 1-1-1-1-1 @ 85% 2-3 Warm-up Sets w/2-3 reps
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WOD:   5 Rounds   25 Inverted Burpees 25 Pull-ups 25 Burpees
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Warm-up: Strength: 1) 7x 3-Position Hang Power Snatch (Knee/Mid-Thigh/Hi-Hang) 2) 7x 3-Position Hang Power Clean (Knee/Mid-Thigh/Hi-Hang) or 1) 7×3 Hang Power Snatch 2) 7×3 Hang Power Clean   Notes:   This is a technique specific day. Weight should be light so you can focus on technique and speed. Conditioning: 2 Rounds 4x (:30/:30) Row 1min rest 4x (:30/:30) Box Jump, 24″(20″), (any style, hips must open on top of box or while jumping off) 1min rest   Notes:   This is a basic interval workout. You should be able to hit each :30sec set with the same intensity as the first.
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