Friday 9.20.13

“Fight Gone Bad” heat times will be posted tomorrow at 10am.
Coaches Choice, 10min
Strength (De-load):
1) Bench Press, 3×5 @ 40%-50%
Warm-up with 1×5 first
2) Close Grip Bench Press, 3×5
No warm-up needed, weight should be light
3) Power Clean Warm-up, 3×3
This workout is done continuously, no rest between segments (9min total).
1:00min Max Rep Pull-up
3:00min AMRAP
9 Power Cleans, 45#-135#
12 Toes 2 Bar
1:00min Max Rep Pull-up
3:00min AMRAP
9 Power Cleans, 45#-135#
12 Toes 2 Bar
1:00min Max rep Pull-up
When going to the second 3:00min AMRAP, pick-up where you left off, so if finished at 6 Cleans for the first AMRAP do the remaining 3 on the second.
Score will be total pull-ups and total rounds.