Monday 12.10.12


2×5 Wall Squat
2×10 Squat
50ft Lunge + Stretch
Banded hamstring stretch/wrist stretch
1) 6×2 Dead Lift, @ 85%
2) 6×2 Front Squat, @ 85%
Warm-up with 2×3 for each.
20min time limit
Ideally you should be doing each set of 6 at 85%. Now if you have a big number you need to put up, use 2 of the 6 set as additional warm-ups, making it a total of 4×2 at 85%. If you fall into this category you will know it.
AMRAP 10min
5 Front Squats, 135#(95#)
10 Toes 2 Bar (or 15 Leg raise to bar)
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