Saturday 8.18.12


Team Workout
2 Rounds for time of:
200m Run
75#/55# Push-press, (1:9,2:8)
200m Run
75#/55# Sumo DL High Pull, (1:9,2:8)
200m Run
24″/20″ Burpee Box Jump, (1:9, 2:8)
This is complicated to explain but easy to do, so hang on tight for this one. The 2 exercisers (E1 and E2) will go through the movements alternating reps till 9 is reached, then work back down till 1 is reached. 
Example: E1 does 1 rep, sets the bar down, E2 does 2 reps, sets the bar down, E1 does 3, E2 does 4 and so on. Once E1 hits 9 both exercisers progress back down. E1 did 9 so E2 does 8, E1 does 7, E2 does 6 and so on. Get it? Got it? Good! It will be explained in person in the morning.
Run: Both exercisers will run at the same time.
Weight: DBH = Don’t Be a Hero! Choose a weight that you can handle safely with perfect range of motion.
Set-up: Ideally, exercisers will be using 1 bar and 1 box for the workout.
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