Tuesday 10.30.12


Muscle Snatch and Muscle Clean Drills
1) 7×3 Muscle Snatch, light/medium and fast
2) 7×3 Muscle Clean, light/medium and fast
Rest about a min between sets
Warm-up will be minimal. 1 set for snatch 1 set for clean
Both movements will be from the hang position.
18min time limit
Conditioning 1:
3 Rounds
2:00min Row
50 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps or 150 Single Unders
You may substitute the Airdyne for the Row (Lakewood only)
10min time limit
Conditioning 2:
5 Rounds
0:30sec Box Jumps, 24″(20″)
0:60sec Step-ups
0:30sec Rest
Score is total box jumps


Huge PR’s on Monday! This is what you can expect when you focus on technique, proper form, choose manageable weight and listening to your coaches!
Linda 105#, 30# PR
Amy 105#, 30# PR
Jen 105#, 55# PR!
Tim 205# set a PR
Note: for those of of that are not members but troll this web site anyway… don’t be hate’n
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