Wednesday 12.5.12


400m Run
20 Hand Release Push-ups, 5 count hold at top
20 Squats, 5 count hold at bottom
2x (:30/:30) PVC Shoulder Press/hold
1a) 5×3 Shoulder Press, @ 80%
1b) 5x Max Effort Ring Push-up
2×3 Warm-up on shoulder press
20min time limit
If you can do more then 15 legit push-ups in a row then do the Ring push-ups. If not just do push-up from the ground.   
AMRAP 12min
10 Push Press, 75#(55#)
15 Jump Squats, 75#(55#)
250m Row (1:00min time limit)
You will use the same bar for the Push Press and Jump Squat.
Row should be done in less then a minute, if you don’t reach 250m by the 1:00min mark please start the next round.
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