Wednesday 2.13.13


Indoor Run. If nice then outside!
Banded Chest Stretch
Posterior Chain Floss
1) Bench Press, 3-3-3-3-3 then one set of 8+
2) Dead Lifts, 3-3-3-3-3 then one set of 12+
20-25min time limit
Compare to 1.30.13
Increase weight as you go up, work up to a heavy 3 rep. The 3+ will be done at 70%, aka drop set. The goal for Dead Lift being 12 or more, Bench Press 8 or more.
15min to 20min, depending on time left.
As many ladders as possible of
1-6 Push-ups
1-6 Squats
1-6 Leg Raise
1-6 Hand Stand Push-ups
1-6 Pistol Squats, R+L=1
1-6 Toes 2 Bar
Most of you should have a good idea of which workout you should choose. If you need guidance your coach will help you decide. You may substitute movements, example if you can do HSPU and T2B but can’t do pistols then sub squats.
Do 1/1/1 of each movement, then 2/2/2 and so on till you get past 6/6/6. Then start over at 1/1/1.
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