Warm-up: 400m Run 100ft Lunge w/stretch 100ft Lunge Fast Group: Movement Review Shoulder 2 Overhead warm-up, 3×3 Dead Lift warm-up, 3×3 Workout: “13.2” As many rounds and reps as possible in 10min of: 5 Shoulder 2 Overhead, 115#(75#) 10 Dead Lifts, 115#(75#) 15 Box Jumps, 24″(20″) If you are signed for the open you need...Read More
Warm-up: 400m Run 100ft Lunge w/stretch 100ft Lunge Fast Group: Movement Review Shoulder 2 Overhead warm-up, 3×3 Dead Lift warm-up, 3×3 Workout: “13.2” As many rounds and reps as possible in 10min of: 5 Shoulder 2 Overhead, 115#(75#) 10 Dead Lifts, 115#(75#) 15 Box Jumps, 24″(20″) If you are signed for the open you need...Read More
Warm-up: Indoor Run Group: Movement Review Power Snatch Drills Strength (only): 1) Power Snatch 5x3x75% Warm-up:3×3 2) Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push-press 5x5x75% Warm-up: 3×3 3) Bulgarian Split Squat 3×10 (thats 10 each leg) Warm-up: 1×10 light or body weight (if needed) 4) Good Mornings 3×20 Warm-up: None, start light Bulgarian Split Squat (this...Read More
Schedule Change: The Tuesday 7pm class is going to be removed from the schedule temporarily and replaced by a 7pm on Thursday starting this week. Warm-up: Indoor Run Posterior Chain Floss Wrist Stretch Group: Power Clean Drills Power Jerk Drills Strength: 1) Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3 @ 75% Modification: Hang Power Clean 2) Power Jerk 3-3-3-3-3...Read More
If you are doing the CF Games Open, don’t forget to submit your score (online, at the games site) before Sunday at 6pm. Warm-up: 4 x :30/:30 Mt. Climber/Plank Hold 1 min Rest 4 x :30/:30 Squat/Hold 1 min Rest 4 x :30/:30 PVC Push-press/Hold AMRAP 20min 20 Headcutter 2 30 Russian Twists 40...Read More
Warm-up: Indoor Run Mobility: Banded hamstring stretch Banded or pole chest stretch Strength: Dead Lift 5×3 @ 70% Warm-up as needed (3×3) Conditioning: “Lynne” 5 Rounds For Max Reps (meaning not for time) Bench Press, Body Weight (Men), 75% Body Weight (Women) Pull-ups Notes: Body Weight and 75% BW is just a recommendation, ideally...Read More
Warm-up: 100ft Lunge w/stretch 100ft Lunge fast 2×10 PVC Pass Through 2×10 PVC Good Mornings Group: Snatch Drills Workout: “13.1” AMRAP 17min 40 Burpees 30 Snatches, 75#(45#) 30 Burpees 30 Snatches, 135#(75#) 20 Burpees 30 Snatches, 165#(100#) 10 Burpees Max reps 210#(120#) If you are signed for the open you need to familiarize yourself with...Read More
Warm-up: Indoor Run 200ft broad jumps, 6′(4′) Mobility: 1st Rib Smash Strength: Push-press 5-5-5-5-5 @ 75% Warm-up as needed Conditioning: Teams of 2 complete the following 50-40-30-20-10 E1: Box Jumps, high! competition standards E2: Row (calories) Notes: E1 50 Box Jumps, E2 Row for calories. Once E1 is done with the 50 Box...Read More